Award-winning children's authors and Britain's Got Talent semi-finalists headline Aylesbury WhizzFizzFest 2019

Participants in the Magic of the Dance competition at last year's WhizzFizzFest in AylesburyParticipants in the Magic of the Dance competition at last year's WhizzFizzFest in Aylesbury
Participants in the Magic of the Dance competition at last year's WhizzFizzFest in Aylesbury
The line-up for this year's Aylesbury WhizzFizzFest has been announced - featuring top children's authors and famous musical names.

This year's family literary and arts festival takes place in the town centre on Saturday June 22 and tickets for the various events went on sale today (Friday).

Three top children's authors will be leading the literary line-up - Cressida Cowell, who wrote the How to Train Your Dragon series, Judith Kerr, whose kids works include The Tiger Who Came to Tea and Mog, and Nick Butterworth, author of popular children's series Percy the Park Keeper.

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Participants in the Magic of the Dance competition at last year's WhizzFizzFest in AylesburyParticipants in the Magic of the Dance competition at last year's WhizzFizzFest in Aylesbury
Participants in the Magic of the Dance competition at last year's WhizzFizzFest in Aylesbury

This year, WhizzFizzFest also presents ‘The Wonder of WhizzFizz’, featuring the return of Dame Darcey Bussell DBE.

The Wonder of WhizzFizz will feature the return of a dancing competition open to schools across the Vale with Dame Darcey among the judges.

Darcey's dance troupe DDMix Dance Fitness will be performing, plus former Britain's Got Talent semi-finalists Maddox will be entertaining the audience with magic while Aylesbury Rock Choir will be performing as well.

Other activities on the day include the traditional parade featuring local youngsters plus musicians and performers will get involved to add noise and colour to the occasion.

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The parade will start outside St Mary's Church at 10.30am before making its way through Market Square before dispersing in Kingsbury.

There will also be a Teddy's Bears Picnic event in the Bucks County Museum's gardens, a funfair in Kingsbury, plus plenty of free events including sessions with local authors, music and fashion shows and street entertainment.

Will Rysdale, assistant director for community fulfilment at Aylesbury Vale District Council said: "WhizzFizzFest is always an exciting day for Aylesbury town centre, and with this year’s line-up it looks like it’s going to be bigger and better than ever!

"It’s great that we’re able to welcome such wonderful names to the festival and we can’t wait to reveal what other exciting, accessible and whizzfizzing fun there is in store for the day!”

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Tickets for some events can be booked now by visiting the festival website where you will also find more information about events planned on the day and how you can volunteer to help at WhizzFizzFest 2019.