BREXIT: AVDC leader Neil Blake: 'Britain will recover from Brexit uncertainty'

AVDC leader Neil Blake PNL-140414-161421001AVDC leader Neil Blake PNL-140414-161421001
AVDC leader Neil Blake PNL-140414-161421001
District council leader Neil Blake says that while he voted Remain, he is confident that Britain will come back from Brexit uncertainty.

Conservative Mr Blake, who was undecided on how to vote until quite late in the campaign, said that he felt both sides arguments left the public confused, and that the absence of a direct debate added to this.

He said: “I voted Remain in the end, the main reason for that was the way that the stock market responded favourably when the polls said that Remain was likely to win.

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“And this has come to bear with what has happened this morning, and it’s going to take some recovery, but we have made the decision now, and will have to do it.

“I’m in no doubt that the country will adjust to this new situation.”

And speaking about Prime Minister David Cameron’s decision to resign, he said: “I think David Cameron had no alternative, I don’t think he ran a good campaign and some of the outlandish statements that he made people saw right through.”

Speaking about Nigel Farage and his UKIP party Mr Blake added: “I’m not sure where UKIP goes from here, they were founded as being the UK Independence Party, to get independence from Europe, and we have done that now so I’m not sure where they can go.”