Acid attacker jailed for life after serious assault which left Aylesbury prison officer needing facial reconstruction

Xeneral Webster was just 17 at the time of the original offence.Xeneral Webster was just 17 at the time of the original offence.
Xeneral Webster was just 17 at the time of the original offence. | jpimedia
Xeneral Webster, who was jailed for killing a 47 year old woman by attacking her with acid, has now been sentenced to life in prison after a further acid attack on an Aylesbury Prison officer.

At the time, it was the first ever 'acid attack killing' conviction in the United Kingdom.

Xeneral Webster admitted the manslaughter of Joanne Rand, who was hit in the face and body with industrial-strength sulphuric acid in High Wycombe when she was innocently caught up in a tussle between the killer and another man.

Joanne Rand was a care worker for people with dementia.

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Rand was taken to Stoke Mandeville hospital for treatment of burns to her face, arms, upper body and lower legs. She died 11 days later of multiple organ failure after contracting septicaemia due to the burns.

Xeneral Webster was just 17 at the time of the original offence.

Xeneral Webster, now aged 21 pleaded guilty to Section 18 grievous bodily harm with intent at Oxford Crown Court on 4 October last year to the further offence of attacking a prison guard at HMP Aylesbury.

At the same hearing, Webster pleaded not guilty to a further acid attack, which was investigated by Metropolitan Police, which took place in London, but was found guilty by a unanimous jury verdict a week later.

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Webster had also earlier pleaded guilty on 16 August 2019 to a further assault by beating and administering a poison/noxious substance with intent after he threw urine in the face of a prison officer at HMP Bullingdon and slapped another officer in the face in July 2018.

The GBH conviction was in connection with an incident at 9am on 29 December 2018 at HMYOI Aylesbury.

Webster was due to go outside for recreational time, but attempted to go back to his cell, which was not permitted.

Webster climbed over safety netting, and when apprehended by a prison officer, a man aged 50, he assaulted him, causing him to fall to the floor.

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While the officer was on the floor, Webster launched a sustained and violent attack on the prison officer, jumping on his head with both feet and repeatedly kicking him to the upper body and head.

The prison officer sustained serious head and facial injuries and has undergone multiple surgeries, including facial reconstruction.

It is unknown whether the officer will regain the sight in one eye and he is unable to return to work as a prison officer.

Investigating officer, Detective Constable Suzie Price of Force CID based at Aylesbury, said: “Webster is a highly dangerous offender and I hope that this sentence goes some way to reassuring the public that police and courts will take robust actions when dealing with individuals like this.

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“The victim went to work that morning as a prison officer and left in an ambulance with injuries that will affect him for the rest of his life.

“The trial judge, Peter Ross, highlighted the life-changing impact of the injuries caused to the victim and concluded that Webster poses significant danger.

“The injuries caused to the victim have been utterly life-changing. This sort of violence in prisons has a corrosive effect on both prisoners and officers and such violence undermines the order that prison attempts to impose.”

Webster will only be released when the parole board considers that he is safe, and he will remain on licence for life.